Friday, September 3, 2010

"Plenty of time to be a boring fuck in the grave." E Horne and J Comeau

“Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

I absolutely abhor when conversations lead to nonstop talking about other people. I CAN'T STAND IT! What a waste of a life! People could be out writing poetry or the next great American novel. They could be creating masterpieces or traveling the world and making it a better place. But every time I turn around, I find myself trapped in a conversation about another person. It's sickening. And I try to shut it down, but there are so many small minds in the world that it doesn't work. I'll admit, I am not super educated about many things, but I would like to be, and I am trying to move away from gossip and slander, but it's difficult if no one wants to move with you.

And I am not saying that I don't travel that path from time to time, but I want to take the road less traveled. I am not very well educated about life because I have held myself back out of fear. I'm a bore. I feel like I have about 22 stock responses to everything, and every other response is no because I am too afraid of losing control. However, slowly and surely, I am gaining my sense of adventure back. I jumped off two cliffs into a lake earlier in the week. I was absolutely terrified. It took me an hour or so to work up the courage to jump, and I cried and my boys called me a cry baby while supporting me, but I did it. I let myself go. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever experienced, but I did it, and I am better for it.

I listen to people's plans to travel, and though spreading my wings will be terrifying, I'm also positive I won't recover. And that's a good thing. I am learning about letting go. I am learning about responsibilities. I am learning about ideas, and by the time I leave the woods I will have a little life in my pores and be one of the worthies of the world.

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